Hellohydrangea's First Giveaway
I hope you are all excited! I am. I've wanted to do a giveaway since I started hellohydrangea. (I can't believe it publicly started only a month ago!) Here is the chosen item for the very-first, super-awesome, want-to-put-it-in-the-mail-and-send-it-to-you-
right-now, giveaway!
These two adorable little birds are looking after their family while sitting on the edge of their nest. The baby blue eggs look cute on their own, but they have a higher purpose of holding your rings... Perhaps while you're doing the dishes. I love ceramics and made this piece a few months ago. Now it can sit next to your sink!
All you have to do is two things:
1. Follow my blog (you don't need an account or anything, just press the follow button on the left sidebar and follow the instructions)
2. Leave a comment with either the url to your blog, or send me an email at hellohydrangea@gmail.com so I know who to send it to!
I will randomly select one lucky winner and this bird family will belong to your kitchen.