Notice anything different? Changing things up feels pretty good so i am in the process of a few remodeling tweaks. As my site has grown, i've realized that i am missing a few important things. I think it is time to try out a new look. Let me give you a tour!
On the left you can find me on bloglovin, pinterest, facebook or email. There is also a list of popular posts and a new set of labels to easily navigate through them.
On the right, i now have three new buttons where you can become a part of hellohydrangea. I am not currently taking sponsors, but that might change! For right now you can grab a button or submit a guest post to be on the site.
Underneath everything else on the right are all of the ways you can stay connected with me! Don't forget to follow and send me an email introducing yourself!)
(I still have some tweaking to do, so please email me with any problems i may have missed)