I've been neglecting my blog family and I hope you'll forgive me.
I think I've mentioned before that I'm not good with change and this negligence is a witness of that. It's hard to realize that in less than a year my husband and I will be done with college and welcomed into the real world. We have been so blessed so far and I know everything will turn out alright, but it's hard to realize how big our decisions are becoming in relation to the rest of our life. Where will we end up? Which job will we pursue? What kind of dog will we get? (The last question has been a big concern these past few days. Jack Russell, Yorky or Beagle? Atleast we have more time to think about this life altering decision...)
Well, if you are still reading I'm very impressed and touched. Here's a little update on our life! As you know, we are taking a break from BYU for the summer to live in Texas for our internship experiences. My husband is a sharp crayon who loves his chemical engineering major. His long nights of studying are paying off through his long days interning with an oil company. He loves the work so far! I'm having so much fun with my 'merchandising and visual display' internship at Anthropologie. I get to do some of my favorite things all day long; get dirty, work with art supplies and make things beautiful. Who knows? Texas might be our final destination.
The picture at the beginning of this post is from this morning. What a great view to wake up to! We are in San Antonio celebrating our first year anniversary while Spencer goes out on the field for a few days. I can't wait to head down to the Riverwalk and explore the gorgeous architecture!
Check back soon. I have some exciting news and a giveaway!
I know, I haven't done one of those for a while...