Hello Hydrangea

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One of our favorite activities from this summer has been the sport of 'crabbing'. I even think it is among our top memories of all time! We had such a good time traveling to the Texas City Dike and trying our skills at catching some crabs. If you ever get the chance... it is worth it!
Our two year old niece came along with the gang to drink purple soda and watch the crabs scuttle across the rocks. I think it must have been our lucky day because we caught over twenty crabs in a few hours! 
The method is easy enough - tie some chicken necks to a piece of fishing line and a weight and just bob it in the water until you notice a crab grab on. Then gently lift it up and catch that sucker in the net. The crabs are so determined to get the piece of meat that they won't let go!
Spencer also took his first dip in the ocean when he got a little too ambitious and fell in. Glad I was there to snap a picture of the moment! After our first crabbing adventure we travelled down to Galveston to enjoy the rest of the day at the beach, building sandcastles and boogie boarding.