Please Pardon our Creativity

As you can probably see from the mess around my site I am currently revamping and redoing Hydrangea for a few exciting changes! If you've caught me in the middle of it all, I apologize and promise you that it will be back to normal very soon. If you are visiting with all of the complete changes, then let me take you on a tour of the new place!

First, please direct your eyes to the address bar at the tippy top ^. That's right - we are a dot com website! woohoo. While working on a blog design for another blogger I realized how important this little detail can be. Now when people ask for the name of Hydrangea, I can say 'dot com' with pride.
I also have a new link in my header. 'We believe' will take you to an extremely important site to me. I am very strong in my faith and want to showcase my conviction to my Heavenly Father and Savior. If you want any more information just follow the link or email me questions!
You will also notice that I have changed the layout by adding one single column down the left side of the page along with a cohesive banner at the top. I find that this is a great way to showcase my work by allowing my posts to be larger and getting rid of some of the clutter that I had.

The black tabs included in the left column are also very important! The first is my decision to post sponsor and friend buttons. You can check out all of the information here on my new sponsor page!
The second tab is a link to my submit page. I have had this page around for the last few months and it has been a great way to meet fellow bloggers and get great guest posts! If you want a free way to partner with Hydrangea, just send me your idea for a guest post - you can get all of that info right here.
The third tab is new and I am very excited about it. From the beginning of this site I have been worried that it's a bit harder to find projects that have been featured a few months ago. I feel like they are hidden in the rubble of everything else that goes on with this blog. So with this new update I included a page devoted entirely to links to my tutorial posts. As more DIYs are featured, they will be added to this list!
The last tab is a header for all of my friends and sponsors! By changing to a two column page I can offer ad spaces that are all huge! Even the smallest one is long enough to properly showcase your own site.

So there you go. Even though Hydrangea has only been alive for less than a year I have changed her face three times now! I am finding that simpler is better. Especially as I go back to some of my first posts and realize how my photos and even projects have changed. I have many more exciting tutorials on their way so click on the little follow button and come back soon!

Inspired by Amanda Happe


Now Accepting Sponsors