Hello Hydrangea

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Coldplay Concert

Earlier this month we saw one of our favorite bands in concert. Since I met my husband I have gone to more concerts than the past twenty years of my life. The first time we hung out and talked was actually at a Fun concert. They have become some of our favorite memories together and this was no exception.

This concert was incredibly loud and fun and so colorful! During the performance giant guns shot confetti over the entire stage and oversized motorized neon balloons hovered over the crowd. For the first hour we actually stuck toilet paper in our ears because the music was aimed right at us. 
One of my favorite things were the wristbands that everyone in the audience was given. They lit up with the beat of the song and made the entire amphitheater pulsate along with the music. When they finally played my favorite song, Yellow, I almost cried because it was so good!