Visiting the Farm

Growing up on an apple orchard, I feel an overwhelming sense of peace in the country. Overgrown fences and gravel roads are my personal symbol for freedom. Before our senior year started, my husband's family met us in this little town (with the blinking lights) & we visited the family farm. It was exactly what I needed!
If you've never seen beautiful fields of weeds and happy cows, I suggest you make your next visit to the nearest country road. The clean air and absence of monetary worries will get you ready to face anything in your future. I was so glad when we stopped for a visit because it helped me remember how capable we are to finish this last year of college strong and confident! 
Although I was never a big fan of milking giant udders, I had to show my skills with this lovely lady!

On a related topic. Yes, I am still here. Lately my time has been spent traveling back from Texas to BYU, spring (summer) cleaning our apartment for our last year in college and spending as much time as possible with family! I have some exciting projects just waiting to be posted though, so don't think I forgot about you!

September/October Sponsor Spots


Moroccan Kilim Boots