Hello Hydrangea

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Inspired by Stephanie Kubo

This semester I am enrolled in a 2D-Design class, and I really enjoy it. Sometimes it makes me wish that I was a studio major so that I could spend all of my time with other artists. I just love making and learning about art! But I have to admit that everyday during my Marketing Management class I am reminded why advertising is my true passion. These gorgeous ink drawings however, are currently pulling at my studio heart strings.

During one of our assignments we were supposed to make three corresponding pieces, each dealing with a different element of art. I found Stephanie Kubo's work a few months ago and her inspiration came to mind immediately. While we all admit to doodling in our sketchbooks, Stephanie's doodles are literally works of art. They involve intricate details and designs that are seen throughout her work. 
I took inspiration from Stephanie to create three pieces to showcase my own interpretations of line, color and texture. Can you tell which is which? I'll give you a hint: they go in order.