Hello Hydrangea

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Post Number 100!

hello hydrangea
Options: 1. bundle of painted driftwood   2. handful of painted acorns   3. woven watch-belt   4. twine wrapped earrings

One year, one month and ten days ago, I wrote this first post and had no idea what I was doing or what it meant to be a blogger. I was excited by the idea of sharing my projects 'inspired by' different artists that I was learning about in my study of choice. There have been some rocky times since then when I've forgotten why I want to blog... and some pretty poor posts since the beginning... but I'm so excited that I have reached my 100th post!
Obviously, this calls for a little celebration. Ever feel like the world is sad when summer and fall disappear and we're left with snowy, foggy, bone-biting cold? I am getting to that point. So, to celebrate this big milestone and bring some summer colors back into our lives I am randomly giving away 4 of my past projects!
Here are the rules:
-The giveaway will be open for a month (or until I decide to stop).
-Please ' join this site' on the left and follow on  facebook and ofcourse leave me a comment so I know which one of these packages you want most!
-Feel free to click on the options above to see tutorials and the story behind them.