Biking. My other passion.

Dear Readers. If you ever find yourself wondering what I do outside of work, school, church and crafts, I want to ease your mind with this post. 
My husband got into road biking when we were first dating. He got me a bike too, but I did not share his excitement  I felt like it was a hard sport and you never went anywhere except straight and fast. When he discovered mountain biking, guess what he did? He got me a bike too. I was skeptical at first, seeing how well his first attempt went, but I decided to stick with it to show my support. 
After many bloody knees, one bee sting, lots of mud and a little bit of complaining, it is safe to say that I am addicted to this sport. I love enjoying God's creations in the middle of Utah's canyons. I love finding my line through a tricky mess of boulders and pushing myself up a hill to get a breathtaking glimpse of the valley below. Most of all, I love spending this time away from school and the city with my husband. 
We go whenever we can. As the season changes and the weather gets colder, we feel the need to spend as much time as we can in the mountains to make up for our future absence during the winter. For the past weeks we have been travelling at least three times a week to pursue our passion. What good is school and cleaning your house and sleeping-in if you can't enjoy getting into a huge meadow, surrounded by trees, where the only sound is your spinning wheels and the wind? I can't emphasize how wonderful it feels to be outside.
 We now have five bikes in our possession... three of which sit in our tiny living room along with our golf clubs. I don't mind! I've gotten to the point where I dream about the challenge and joy of mountain biking.
Sorry, the pictures are the result of our camera phone. You never know when you might need to document an adventure in the middle of nowhere. The photos don't nearly do the landscapes justice. 

Autumn Collage


Inspired by David Meredith