Hello Hydrangea

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Christmas Travels

My available blogging time has decreased during our holiday break because we are having too much fun visiting family! 
However, I do want to share a quick post on our activities and an early Christmas present from the Huffington Post. An editor from the Home section of the HuffPost asked to share my previous tutorial and I was honored to see it headlined on their webpage today. Check it out! I felt like dancing on my bed from excitement because I am a huge fan of the Huff!
Also, we made our way from Utah in a drizzly, foggy drive and are now enjoying the sun and the cacti. Arizona didn't let us down! I have a few fun projects that I am itching to share on Hydrangea but sadly they have been turned into Christmas presents and I can't give away any secrets. Anyways, I'm sure you don't want to be sitting on a computer reading about how to do things when school and work is out and the world is welcoming you to enjoy your break with family actually doing something.
Hope you and your loved ones are having a very happy holiday!