Hello Hydrangea

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Placemat Stockings

We have just made it to Arizona and we were looking forward to the warm weather and the absence of precipitation. The Utah sky must have followed us though, because it has been raining since we arrived  and it was super chilly when we ventured into the desert for a bike ride. 
s you can tell from the first photo, I finished this DIY while we were stuck in the snowy mountains. It was an easy idea that we needed for the holidays. If you still don't have family Christmas stockings here is an easy idea - made from quilted placemats from Walmart!
 - 2 placemats per stocking
 - sewing supplies including a sewing machine
 - extra embellishments - whatever you like!
Trace and cut out a stocking shape from two placemats, stacked ontop of eachother. Sew the outline together and turn the shape inside out. Then add decorations. I used the fringe from my previous fringed leather bag. You can find the tutorial to make them here.
In four steps and a half hour's work you will end up with two new stockings for whatever Christmas traditions you have coming up.
We are glad to be out of the snow, even though the rain and chill is still near. If you find me absence much this week, I apologize in advance but holiday activities are well under way! Hope you enjoy your vacation as much as we are!