These White Mornings

You've probably noticed that lately my Utah blogging friends and I live to update the world on our weather situations. It might be all you read about from us, actually. This Washington girl has definitely never seen so much white in her life!
I will be adding photos throughout today of our life in this winter wonderland to give you an idea of why we have shifted our life into slow motion. Driving has become the most exciting part of the day. Students all but need canes to get around campus because if we don't shuffle as slow as possible we might find ourselves face first in a snow pile. Too bad BYU doesn't believe in snow days.

I'm getting tired of wearing boots and I didn't think that was even possible. I'm pretty sure Mr Sun up in the sky has disappeared because I haven't seen him for a month. If he's hiding up there somewhere the inversion is stopping him from smiling through because our air is literally toxic. Ask the KSL4 weather lady... and everyone else who has to breath to live.
With the bad weather and the bad air, the medicine aisle in the BYU Bookstore is absolutely bare by Thursday every week and I'm the cashier who has to sell it to all of the sniffling students. Basically, any advice on how not to catch every illness on campus is appreciated.
As for the positive aspects of all of this snow--it is absolutely beautiful!

Oh yes, my Arizona boy and I are having a fun time learning how to live as Eskimos!


E-Book Vintage Upcycle


Southern Food: Gumbo