Hello Hydrangea

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Curly Letter

We were lucky enough to have a beautiful, sunny weekend for the first time in many! It was glorious. A part of me seemed to wake up from this winter hibernation and realize that I have been slacking in some areas of our life-like calling our families and reminding them we're alive. I need to be better about that. 
Mom, Bonnie, we are thinking about you and we love you! Sorry we stink at communicating!
I was brave enough to wear non-boots today. Lucky me, it's freezing again. When I start to feel restless like this I get the urge to redesign my blog, so if you see some construction in the coming week don't panic. 
I have had a few orders lately for the project that helped fuel HH. One of my new friends asked me to design a letter B for her and while I was working on it, I decided to do my first repost. The original tutorial is here - it is still one of my favorites!
A year ago when I first posted this tutorial, Inspired by Yulia Brodskaya, I was surprised when a reader asked me to design a custom letter for her. Since then, I've made quite a few. They have been great as projects with younger crafters, gifts for loved ones and even features in family photoshoots. 
You can make one yourself, but I still sell them on my etsy site because most people find out that these babies take alot of work and time! 
I've tried a few different glueing methods. The reason I use hot glue is because it dries fast enough to lock the curls of paper in place before they bounce back and mess up my design. The little glue threads look messy while working, but when it's done I just use a blowdryer to melt them and clean everything up. 
 I like to work in one general direction - usually from the top left to the bottom right. Then I go back in and fill any empty spots until the piece is intricate and beautiful. I have also found that when displaying these in your home, if you are looking at the monogram straight on the paper appears thin and almost disappears. However, when viewed from a slight angle the colors and shapes come alive.
Visit my shop to see more examples and shipping information. I put lots of love and time into each one so that it is sure to be a show stopper on your mantelpiece!
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