Hello Hydrangea

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Interested in partnering with Hello Hydrangea? This is a blog about life and art. My favorite kinds of projects are those that are inspired by an artist, company or media movement. I also love sharing and discussing things that help me grow!  To learn more about who I am, visit my about page.

Hello Hydrangea averages: 
1,200+ daily page views
35,000+ monthly page views
439,000+ all time page views
900+ followers via google friend connect, facebook, bloglovin & pinterest
These numbers have quickly risen since the start of Hello Hydrangea in September 2011
and are growing daily.

Each spot will enjoy:
Unlimited availability until notice
Regular rotation if needed
Option to guest post for maximum advertising
Option to sponsor giveaway
All sponsors will have their buttons featured under search bar on left-hand column for full coverage.

Other ways to partner with Hello Hydrangea:
Button design
Blog design (both a la carte, and a la mode)  
Submit a guest post!
Email me for questions

To buy an ad space, click on the size you want, either here or below. LargeMedium or Small.
Sidenote: I reserve the right to accept, reject or edit any ads to fit the style and standards of my blog.  


4 Available



Swap: 4 Available

75% discount to blogs with about the same number of followers and about the same size of ad spot. Email me for discount code!