How to Make a Play Couch Book

I know this isn’t my usual topic, but I’ve been searching for something like this and decided to just make it myself! If you have kids with a play couch, this idea is a gamechanger!

play couch book with 100 ideas

We love our Nuggets! We have two. My son is always asking me to help him build things or look on my phone for ideas. However, sometimes I want him to build independently and I don’t want to hand him my device. I’m sure you get it!

His cousins are getting two play couches for Christmas, so we decided to make a book of ideas to give them as a gift. We spent a few days after school compiling build ideas and photographing each one. Our goal was to make 50… but we had a lot of fun and made it to 100!

You can skip this step and just get our photos by clicking below.

If you have a kid who enjoys their play couch, making a book is amazing! My son already loves looking through the photos and using the configurations as ideas. It gives him confidence to try making them on his own and he’s not scrolling on a screen!

Step 1: Clear out a corner with good lighting and set up your camera. We wanted to get a variety of builds. We made 50 that are ‘climbing’ focused (slides, stairs, obstacle courses) and 50 that are ‘pretending’ focused (forts, tunnels, loungers). No duplicates!

Nugget play couch build configuration idea book

Step 2: Turn the photos into a book. I made two kinds of books to see which worked best. They are both great!

The first book I made is an actual photo book. It has a hardcover and looks really nice. I printed it at Walgreens for about $20 (same day printing - I made it online and picked up my completed book 2 hours later!) and chose ‘autofill’ across 30 pages for very minimal work.

The second book I made is a binder. I printed out 4x6 photos (just a few cents each) and then got a 3 ring binder and sheet protectors. This version made the book more open-ended so we can add to it.

Nugget play couch book ideas

If you don’t have time or energy to take photos, you can use mine! It took us a few afternoons to complete 100 builds, which was the longest part of this process. Get my 100 photos below for $15.

We are super excited with how these books turned out and can’t wait to gift one to our cousins. As a mom, I wish I had made a book a long time ago because it makes it so much easier to use our Nuggets!


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