Woven Circle Pillow With Pom Poms Project

Hello, friends! If you’ve kept up with my Instagram stories the past week you’ve seen me creating a woven circular pillow. This is a project I’ve wanted to try but just had time free up enough to tackle it! One of the best parts of the project is the pom poms! I’ve put together a little tutorial on how to create these pom poms so you can use them in your projects, too! Don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for inspo, news, and freebies in your inbox!

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1. Wrap a metal hoop and warp the circle.

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2. Weave the circle from the center towards the outside, leaving 1” border of warp strings.

3. Add a line of glue to the last row on both sides and let it dry.


4. Sew a fabric backing onto the outside of the woven circle while it’s on the loom, going over the glued edge, leaving an 8” opening. The glue really helps it hold its shape when you cut it off the loom!


5. Remove the yarn from the hoop by cutting the warp strings and tying them against the glued edge. Turn the pillow inside out.

6. Make the Pom Poms. You can reference this video to see how I like to make them!

7. Sew Pom poms to the outside by knitting them inside the pillow.

8. Add an insert.

9. Sew the opening closed and add poms to the remaining edge.


Materials: 18” metal floral hoop, 4 balls worsted size 4 yarn, thin warp strings, weaving needle, Aileens craft glue, fabric backing, 18” pillow insert.

I have a fun circle project you can check out if you want some practice weaving on hoops.

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You can take a look at my Instagram highlight ‘Circle Pillow’ to see the whole process. I talk through weaving the pillow and the kinds of tabby I’m using and more!


How to Weave with Corespun Yarn


Say Hello to the October MWS Project!