The best way to start your new favorite craft.

Are you ready to catch the weaving bug? I’ve done all the work of curating this all-inclusive kit, so you can cut to the front of the line and jump into the fun part! No scrolling through YouTube, wondering what yarn to try or searching for tools to fit your size of loom.

These kits are my bestsellers for a reason. Just open the box, download the class/pattern and begin!

Use code HAPPY20 for 20% off all kits


My goal with Hello Hydrangea is to make it easier for you to enjoy the creative process of weaving. I know how powerful creating for yourself is! I designed these kits so that you can skip to the best part of weaving and create something amazing.

Your Kit Includes

Hard wood adjustable loom (15”x10”)

Hand spun art yarn

Tools such as heddle, shuttle, 2 needle sizes, 2 combs, and a dowel

Wool roving

Warp yarn

Beads, sequins and rope

Hand sewn storage bag

Video instructions (class optional)

Giftable packaging

✦ The best way to jump into weaving and enjoy the process of creativity.

Easy-to-Follow Video Instructions

Don’t forget to add my Weaving Foundations class! This video workshop is 120+ pages of techniques and patterns with links to exclusive videos. It will have you weaving like a pro and answer ALL of your questions. This class has changed the weaving game for so many people and is a bestseller for a reason!

Exact Pattern Included

If you’re more of a ‘tell me exactly what design to follow’ crafter, I got you! Each kit comes with a video tutorial for a specific project using the exact materials in your kit.

Use code HAPPY20 for 20% off ALL KITS!

  • Absolutely! This is the same loom I use in my Weaving Foundations class, as well as most of the woven projects in my weaving series tutorials (available through my membership). It is the perfect size to explore a technique and create something beautiful without getting overwhelmed. If you feel ready to jump to a much larger loom, check out my Large looms!

  • Absolutely! This kit is packaged beautifully and the instructions are very clear.

  • Yes! Just open the box and get started. Make sure to add my Foundations class for ALL the weaving knowledge and have fun exploring the curated materials. You’ll be weaving away in about a minute!

  • Definitely. If you just want access to my Weaving Foundations class, click HERE.

  • Woohoo! If you’ve used this kit and feel like you want to learn more I have good news. There is a whole world of weaving just waiting for you! Join my Membership HERE for an entire library of weaving project tutorials and other crafts I enjoy sharing. You’ll never run out of new things to try.