Clay Elements Tapestry | Video Instructions


Want access to the complete library of Weaving Series projects? Join my Creative Membership ($15/month) to pick and choose from dozens of projects to work on at your own pace. Click HERE to learn more.

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Want access to the complete library of Weaving Series projects? Join my Creative Membership ($15/month) to pick and choose from dozens of projects to work on at your own pace. Click HERE to learn more.

Want access to the complete library of Weaving Series projects? Join my Creative Membership ($15/month) to pick and choose from dozens of projects to work on at your own pace. Click HERE to learn more.

This class is a great way for makers who have a basic knowledge of weaving to learn more with new projects and techniques.

This class is part of The Monthly Weaving Series; my subscription program that sends a new tapestry project to members for $10 each month.

If you missed out you can catch up by grabbing a past class when the month is over. Click below to subscribe so that you can weave with us!

This project combines fiber with clay for a match made in texture heaven. We will start by talking about ways to use oven bake polymer clay to incorporate into weaving and how to make it look like ceramic. Then we will weave a project to use the clay fixtures with. There are so many possibilities with this project – I can’t wait to see where you take it!

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