Hello Hydrangea

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Moroccan Kilim Boots

Indian princess meets rodeo queen.
I don't remember when I first saw the fashion wonders that are  Moroccan Kilim Boots, but I knew then and there that I needed some.

I have had an interest in the country of Morocco when I first started researching weaving techniques and ran across the texture guided culture. Since then, I have been pining over everything Morocco has to offer. I even went as far as to try and convince Spencer that we should plan a vacation to Marrakech to experience the culture at the center of it's glory. He declined. That hasn't stopped me from searching for my own little pieces of the country though!

The part that makes these boots so special is the tapestry-like patterns that are inserted in the trunk of the shoe. This part is called 'Kilim' and is made from flat woven rugs that are found in Morocco and nearby countries. Because no two rugs are the same, original boots are unique in their own pairs.
Although the original boots come and go quickly due to this unique aspect, I've scoured the internet to find a few distributers.  Cobra Society, Moroccon Soul, Howsty, Kiboots and Bohemia Design are a few places to check online before deciding to drastically travel to Morocco in order to get your own pair.

I don't know the entire history of Kilim Boots, but I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't want to wear these beauties. Then again, my husband might be one of those on the other side of the fence. Let's prove him wrong and start displaying our Moroccan pride!

On my latest shopping trip I kept my eye peeled and found a pair! Wouldn't you believe it, I snatched those babies up without any hesitation from a company called Wanted and they will not leave my feet for once fall starts. I'm serious.