Anthro Window

One of my favorite feelings is finishing a project that I worked so hard on! Sometimes I feel like I choose my poison by starting pieces that involve lots of repetitious pieces and so much time. But the end results of these projects always make the work worth it! 
Maybe my chosen downfalls are why I loved my Anthro internship. Sure, I got blisters on my hands from cutting egg cartons for hours on end (and then turned both of them red from dying the flowers), but when I look back on the hard work we put in and the way people stopped when they walked past our first window... it reminds me why I love what I do. 
Yessir. That is 3500 handcut flowers in that tendril window! I hope they go to good use when the window is taken down. Wouldn't they be wonderful as a background at a wedding, party or photoshoot?

General Conference


Reupholstering: Taking it apart