Arizona Wedding

This weekend Spencer and I escaped the cold Utah weather to celebrate one of his best friend's wedding. The weather was perfect, the bride was beautiful and the wedding was full of shabby-chic style. It reminded me of our backyard reception in Washington. I can't believe it's been over a year!
On top of their eternal marriage in the Mesa, AZ temple, they had a ring ceremony with a candle lit reception. 
Scroll down for cute-wedding overload!

One of my favorite touches was the way they used the dinner centerpieces (flowers in clear jars) later that night. Once it got dark, they lined them up along the stairs. It gave the flowers a second life, leading the way to the entrance of the party.
(Oh man, I can't end this post without adding a mouth-watering picture of the mini pazookies. They were amazing and have inspired us to have a dinner party!)
During the ceremony, the bride walked down the aisle to a backdrop of lace and embroidery hoops, hanging from a tree. But why forget about this beautiful spot once the rings were exchanged? I loved that the tree was lit up during the reception to welcome guests in as they congratulated the happy couple.
As the warm, Arizona night ended the bride and groom were sent off with sparklers and floating lanterns. Yes, just like in Tangled. Long after they drove away, we could see these glowing balloons drift away. It was a gorgeous wedding!

Guest Post: Photoshop Vintage Effect


Reupholstery: The Finished Product