Guest Post: Photoshop Vintage Effect

I have a special guest today! Jessica is the lovely lady behind Nerd and Healthnut where she breaks down domestic questions and delivers some gorgeous food photos. Although she is not a craft blogger, she knows a few secrets about making ordinary photos look extraordinary. We met in a photography class this semester, where I fell in love with her dreamy bohemian style in the photo above. Luckily, she was willing to share a tutorial on how to achieve this look. Sometime we'll need her to visit us again with one of her delicious recipes, but for today, enjoy her vintage effects tutorial. 
Welcome, Jessica!
"First, download the Pioneer Woman Photoshop action sets here. Make sure you download the file to the desktop or another place you can easily find later.
After you have downloaded the action sets, look for a picture to use... open the photo in Camera Raw or Adobe Photoshop.
I do basic photo editing in Camera Raw, but you can edit in Photoshop if that’s what you’re comfortable with.
You'll want add some contrast because the action will remove a lot of the contrast from the photo.

Once you've done some basic adjustments, go ahead and open in Photoshop.
Once in Photoshop, open your actions, it will look like a "play" button. If you don't see it, click on the "Window" tab and then click on "actions." This should make your actions easily accessible.

 When you'v opened your actions, you need to load your downloaded actions. Click on the top-left button that has an arrow and lines. Then, click on "load actions." Find the downloaded action set and open.

The action you want to use is Vintage. PW has them organized by color, so it should be in the purple section.

 Once the action has been applied, you can adjust the layers until it looks the way you want.

Because there are a lot of layers open, you need to make sure and flatten your image before saving. If you don't flatten your image it will make the image file VERY large. Good luck and have fun playing with your new actions!"

Thanks, Jessica! 
Now, we can't leave without showing a gorgeous food photo from her site.You know my weakness with food blogs! In the mood for a healthy pumpkin pie? How bout a chicken apple stew? And I know you're wondering what a strawberry lemonade dreamcake is...

Post Number 100!


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