Chevron Pillow

What do you do when you've stolen your mom's sewing machine, you have a weekend free and are itching for some new decor? You follow the inspiration of this little beauty and sew a pillow! Atleast, that was the obvious answer for me. If you've never sewn a pillow before its a great place to start because they are simple and basic. If you are an old pro this tutorial won't be anything new. Just remember, the design is always up to your imagination and needle skills. 
  Luckily I have a container full of fabric scraps and an old pillow lying around, so after choosing a few patterns and tracing hexagons of the same shape, I had a stack of half-chevrons to organize and pin onto the pillow back.
Sewing each square onto the pillow took longer than I though, so it happened on weekends and afternoons after school and early mornings. After the front was done the rest was simply sewing three sides of the back and front together, turning them right side out, stuffing them with pillow fluff and sewing the bottom back up.
When I'm an old lady with too much time and bad knees, I will sit at my sewing machine and create all the pillow that I have in mind. Nevermind. I know I can't wait that long - when we are finally out of apartments and I don't have to throw something away to make room for all of the projects I make, then I will have a couch full of fun pillows.

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