Guest Posting

Today I'm so happy to be guesting on one of my all time fav blogs, ruffles and stuff. Disney is the lovely lady behind the site and we just found out we used to live an hour apart! Sometime we'll have to get together for a crafting party in person. 
She featured my site back when it was a wee baby and I had no idea what I was doing. She must've seen something in me because she rarely invites guests. She was one of the main reasons I kept up my motivation. I love the way she makes tutorials simple and shares her love for God along with her sweet, sweet daughter. Click on the photos below to see a few of my favorite DIYs from her.
 The inspiration for this piece came while my husband and I were mountain biking on the side of a lonely mountain. Ideas can spring at the weirdest times! Visit Disney - show her some love and check out the full tutorial for my hanging teacup candles.
Also, I'm in love with Disney's idea to plant herbs in these little guys and hang them by the kitchen window in the summer!! I'm gonna have to borrow that little gem for the future.

Normal Life


Chevron Pillow