Healthy Living

HH readers! I am back. Well, I never left, but my long days on campus leave absolutely no time to take advantage of the sunshine for projects or photography. Such a bummer! I am crossing my fingers, my toes and my eyes that the snow will end and the days will get longer. Thanks for understanding - I'm still thinking about all my favorite visitors.
So basically, this post is a validation for myself that I am living a healthy lifestyle and that is awesome. I have stuck to my personal goal of going to the gym 4 times a week and eating healthy. I'm not saying that I am unhealthy at all. I love being active - mountain biking, walking the mile to and from school everyday and eating a well-rounded diet. It's just that at the end of last year I realized there is much more that I am missing out on by shunning running pants and metal weights. I want to be the absolute best person I can and like it or not, that includes taking better care of my body. Boy, do I crave vegetables now!
Ofcoures, dear readers, I don't really have any great tips or advice to share on this topic yet. At the end of the day I still try to sneak gummy worms home in my backpack and dream of possible excuses to skip cardio. However, I'm learning how great it feels to walk out of the gym, knowing I put my best effort in. I'm learning that most of my favorite meals taste even better with more vegetables. And I'm also learning that our bodies are another task that God has given us. By taking care of them we are learning many lessons about patience, perseverance and responsibility. 
Look for fitness posts in the future though! I have been researching health articles like crazy as I try to learn as much as I can about this almost-new aspect of my life. As always, any advice is welcome.


Sit down. Stay a while.


Curly Letter