Sit down. Stay a while.

I'm almost done with my latest design itch. Do you like the new site!? I realized a few days after installing my last layout that it wasn't my style and it was just too darn empty for me. I need a little more color in my life. Finally I had a break in my school schedule and found the perfect piece of inspiration to give me the boost that I needed to recode the blog.
I'm still on a tight schedule lately with photographing projects, but hopefully you'll see a few more posts in the near future. Until then, feel free to look around the new place. Hint; the tabs at the top are pretty cool, if I say so myself.
I am currently working on my new design website and it should be done by Monday! After all of the coding tips and resources I've found throughout my blogging career, I think its finally time to branch out and offer some of my graphic love to fellow bloggers.
You know, in my free time.

You are my sunshine


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