Normal Life

 Hey readers, its the week after Thanksgiving and you know what that means - its almost finals! I can't believe we only have 2.5 weeks left until Christmas break. Its the time to buckle down and ride through the rest of the semester at full throttle. I've got lots of projects to post and finish, but for the next few weeks I might be short on time. I hope you understand! I thought I'd post a few pics of what I've been staring at this week.
One perk with art classes is no written finals! I tell ya, when I enter the dreaded testing center, my mind shuts down and all I can think about is how to get out of there as fast as possible. I'd much rather give a presentation in class or spend hours working on collages. Which is what I'm in the middle of right now.
 Since I grew up without television or internet, music is still my biggest motivator when trying to focus and work hard. What's on my playlist today? Pandora's Disney channel ofcourse! Nothing like The Little Mermaid to get me pumped up!
 I am excited to reveal my next guest post, which goes along with this project thats sitting on our coffee table. But I can't give away any secrets yet, so be patient and check back later for more info!
 Ontop of finals, I've been spending my late nights working on applications and portfolios to apply for another internship or two next summer. Wish me luck!
Last but not least, you probably don't want to read me gushing about what a great husband I have. Which I do. The absolute best in the whole world. Just look at these beauties! These are what I've been staring at most lately. Flowers make every week better right?
So for all you other students out there - hope your last weeks of classes and finals fly by! Goodluck!

If you find me slacking as these next weeks fly by, I apologize. However, I just updated Hydrangea's TUTORIAL page and invite you to sift through all of my DIYs since the beginning. Just click on the button on the sidebar. It looks like this:



Guest Posting